Economic Daily News
"In the world of metaverse, the real experience inspired by the virtual scene will be the main battlefield of future retail marketing. The 2021 Meet Taipei Innovation and Entrepreneurship Carnival, which debuted a few days ago, displayed a series of new retail digital applications.

Among them, ""AI Convenience Store"" applies the smart window Shopping Window to convenience stores. And setting up Bella, the AI virtual store manager, to lead consumers into the next-generation of shopping experience, which is quite attractive and has become a highlight of this new innovation expo.

經濟部工業局電子資訊組副組長呂正欽(右)特別體驗3D電商導購牆,肯定這項應用,左為方舟智慧創辦人林俊宏。 方舟智慧/提供

Under the guidance of the ""High-end Display Technology Field Application Demonstration Promotion and Innovation Cultivation Program"" of the Industrial Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Digital Institute of the Information Strategy Institute and the industry jointly established a theme pavilion, starting from the needs of the retail field, with the display screen as the core, combined with software, displaying innovative value-added applications of smart displays, including 4 experience scenarios and seven smart retail solutions such as ""Smart Hotel"", ""Future Coffee House"", ""Smart Convenience Store"" and ""AI Hair Salon""."


Shanshan Huang, deputy mayor of Taipei City affirmed the effort ARK GROUP
Shanshan Huang, deputy mayor of Taipei City affirmed the effort ARK GROUP


